Graphic that accompanied Councilor Robinson’s facebook rebuttal
(Lowell City Councilor Corey Robinson issued the following response to today’s column by Insider Mike Bacigalupo regarding planned changes to the Christian Hill Reservoir)
I would like to clarify some misinformation that has been relayed by the Lowell Sun and has been picked up by InsideLowell.
Conversation around improvements to the reservoir stemmed from discussions at the Centralville Neighborhood Association Group meeting. We bounced ideas around off of each other.
The neighbors were extremely clear on what they wanted to see. Potentially improve the existing walking paths, and possible natural seating that fits the aesthetic. There were also discussions because of it being classified as a high hazard dam and being 20 plus feet deep, it could be viewed as a liability.
As a result of this, we talked about the feasibility of filling it in. The thought was filling it in yet leaving it shallow, potential water fountain in center and maybe ice skating in winter. The current water feature would remain the same optically.
There has NEVER been a splash park or parking lot part of the discussion. I would strongly encourage anyone interested in this gem of the city, let’s continue these discussions with the neighborhood at the next neighborhood group meeting. I strongly believe in working WITH my neighbors to accomplish a shared vision. It is imperative accurate information is shared between all sources.
With any open space projects, our Department of Planning and Development has an established process that takes community input into account before any project is conceptualized.
As an elected city councilor, my job is to listen to my neighbors and work with them to improve upon the issues we identify. I urge any member of the public to feel free to contact me with ANY questions. #TogetherWeMakeADifference