From left, Officer Haleigh Lucas and Officer Michael Buxton have joined the Chelmsford Police Department. (Courtesy Chelmsford Police Department)
CHELMSFORD – Police Chief Colin Spence is pleased to report that the Chelmsford Police Department is welcoming two new officers to the department.
Officers Haleigh Lucas and Michael Buxton were both sworn in Tuesday, April 16 and have begun a 12-week field training program to prepare them to patrol on their own.
Officer Lucas is a 2019 graduate of Dracut High School. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Endicott College and a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Merrimack College. While studying at Endicott, Officer Lucas completed internships with Lowell Police, Endicott College Police and Lawrence District Court. She completed the Merrimack College Police Academy.
“To say that Haleigh is self-motivated would be an understatement,” said Chief Spence. “During her background investigation Haleigh was very responsive and is genuinely eager to become a police officer. Her references had extremely positive things to say about her.”
Officer Buxton is a 2009 graduate of Worcester Technical High School. He holds an Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Quinsigamond Community College. He is a graduate of the Northern Essex Community College Police Academy.

From left, Deputy Chief Gary Hannagan, Officer Haleigh Lucas, Officer Michael Buxton and Chief Colin Spence. (Courtesy Chelmsford Police Department
Officer Buxton worked for the Worcester County Jail and House of Correction for 5 1/2 years, and also worked for the Oxford Police Department for 1 1/2 years before transferring to Chelmsford Police.
“As part of the background check for lateral transfers I always speak to the officer’s current chief. Chief Michael Daniels in Oxford had nothing but praise for Michael during our conversation. Chief Daniels said that Michael had quickly become a go-to officer at the police department and that he hated to lose him. He also stated that Michael is very engaged with the community residents.”