Students from Chelmsford’s Harrington Elementary School complete laps around the high school track during their inaugural school-wide walk-a-thon on Friday, Sept. 27.
by Jen Oemig
CHELMSFORD – Two weeks ago, students at Chelmsford’s Harrington Elementary School participated in the inaugural school-wide walk-a-thon to raise money for their field day in June.
One grade level at a time took to the track outside Chelmsford High School, with each student completing as many laps as possible in order to fulfill pledges from relatives, family friends and neighbors.
And the results were tremendous, with the Harrington school community raising over $5,700.
“I came up with the idea over the summer as a way to raise money for our field day and a way to build community through movement among the school,” said Kelly Cormier, Harrington Elementary School’s physical education teacher.
Cormier said the field day this past spring was incredibly successful.
“I redesigned field day in a way that was more inclusive of all of our school community,” she explained. “Field day was structured in two sessions and provided choice and activities that were more suitable for all of our Harrington students.”
Included in the day’s events were fun activity stations, a DJ, rented inflatables and lawn activities.
“Students were given more choice as to which activities to engage in, which proved to be a more enjoyable experience for everyone,” Cormier said. “We were able to do this last year because of our very generous PTO. They provided the funds for the rented inflatables, DJ and popsicles.”
Knowing she didn’t want to continue asking the PTO to sustain funding for field day every year, Cormier said that’s where the idea for the walk-a-thon was born.
“Overall, it was an easy event to organize,” she said. “Flyers were sent home to parents and families a couple of weeks before the event, and we talked it up within the school. If students were choosing to fundraise, they asked family and friends to either give a flat donation or pledge an amount per lap.”
Another bonus for the event, Cormier said, is she didn’t have to seek out parent volunteers to make it happen.
“My teammates, the Harrington specialists, worked the event with me by bringing all of the students out during their specialist time for the walk,” she said. “They also monitored students for safety and joined in on the fun.”
Though the event just passed, Cormier said she would love to see the walk-a-thon become an annual tradition at Harrington.
“I am thrilled with the results,” she said. “I’m also so happy we had such a nice day! It was great to see the kids come together as a grade level and enjoy some time being active outside.”