Inside Stories

Council Tensions Boil Over

Tensions that have plagued the current Lowell City Council behind the scenes and through thinly-veiled charges on social media boiled over, as Councilors John Descoteaux and Kim Scott engaged in on-air, and off-air, verbal skirmishes with Councilor Corey Robinson during last night’s meeting. (relevant discussion begins at the 1-hour, 23-minute mark of the Lowell Telemedia broadcast)

Mill City political observers will likely point to last November’s criminal charges against Councilor Robinson and the subsequent reactions of the majority of his colleagues in asking him to “step aside,” followed by the tabling of his motions when he didn’t do so as the starting point of the underlying discord. I’ll argue it goes back further, to the 2023 election campaign and the ensuing selection of Danny Rourke as Mayor by the newly elected body.

In recent weeks, Facebook posts about “cronyism” and criticisms over the conditions of certain baseball fields and parks have led to social media exchanges.

With all that simmering in the background, the infighting went public during Councilor Robinson’s motion last night to have the City Solicitor “report on elected officials requirements to accept employment.”

Many saw that as a personal attack on long-time Councilor John Leahy, who has been the subject of speculation regarding a School Department job opening.

While introducing the motion, Robinson denied that was the motivation and pointed to what he called a similar motion filed in January.

That explanation didn’t fly with Councilor Descoteaux, who spoke next via Zoom, questioning the timing of the motion, the number of motions filed by his colleague in general, and what he called a “lack of self-awareness evidenced by the sheer volume of motions that have a domino affect on city government.”

Councilor Erik Gitschier asked for a “point of order,” which was quickly followed up by Mayor Rourke reminding Descoteaux to keep it to the current motion on the floor.

At that point, Descoteaux, who played baseball in the city, fired a high and tight brush back pitch at his colleague.

“I take further exception to a Councilor who still has a serious criminal case pending filing a motion about….” At that point, a number of voices interrupted, including Councilor Robinson, prompting the Mayor to once again ask his colleague to keep the focus to the motion on the floor.

A couple of minutes later, a very stern Councilor Scott also questioned the timing of the motion and the proper way to go about getting ethics rulings, before stating “we don’t need to come on the floor and bully other members.”

What those viewing the meeting at home did not catch, was the tense exchange taking place off microphone between Robinson and Scott, which we’re told included animated discussion and finger pointing. Councilor Scott talked about the exchange during a previously scheduled InsideLowell podcast appearance this morning (relevant podcast discussion begins at the 2-minute, 15-second mark)

Contacted following the podcast about the off-mic exchange, Councilor Robinson again stated the impetus for last night’s motion was as a follow up to the January motion, before recounting his version of the exchange and making more references “decades long cronyism and nepotism that’s plagued our city’s operations.” (full text of Councilor Robinson’s statement is published below)

For his part, Descoteaux simply responded to our InsideLowell inquiry by saying “my statement at last night’s meeting speaks for itself.”

All of which begs the question; will this sniping continue in public and how will it affect the council’s ability to work together over the next year and a half remaining on its term?

For more discussion on that, watch for our next Pod Squad Podcast, which was fortuitously already scheduled for this evening and will be published on our website, YouTube Channel, audio podcast services and Facebook page tomorrow morning.

(Full Statement from Councilor Corey Robinson:)

“It’s amazing how I filed a motion seeking guidance on the process of employment as an elected official 5 months ago with no objections from this council.

On the campaign trail or speaking to the voting public, many of these same councilors have expressed concern over the decades long cronyism and nepotism that’s plagued our City operations. It appears some of these same councilors are willing to personalize and attack a colleague if the work aimed at creating a fair standard for all interferes with their shared Michelobs and Miller Lites at the Worthern.

During last night meeting, after the clip from January clearly showed this motion seeking an update was from 5 months ago, some councilors chose to personalize their objections.

As I sat next to councilor Scott, she began calling me a bully. I sarcastically replied, then censure me as I laughed it off. This infuriated her as she then explained how she was going to speak on it. I encouraged her to speak her mind on this, explained if she hit the button in front of her until it turned green on the mic, she could then feel free. I also explained how she may be embarrassed as this motion is requesting an update to an old motion.

She then was called on by the mayor and let out her frustration. I still respect her thoughts even if I find them hypocritical.”

If you wish to have your feedback discussed during tonight’s recording, please share it here or on our InsideLowell social media accounts.

7 responses to “Council Tensions Boil Over”

  1. Robert says:

    When are people going to finally wake up and get rid of this guy???

  2. Mona Tyree says:

    Interesting meeting last night .

  3. Mona Tyree says:

    There is a lot to unpack , Wondering Who is really working for there districts and who is not.

  4. James says:

    A friendly assertion that your first paragraph makes it seem like Councilors Descoteaux and Scott were at odds – “as Councilors John Descoteaux and Kim Scott engaged in on-air, and off-air, verbal skirmishes.” A more complete read confirms that they were both conflicting (and probably justifiably so) with Robinson. In an environment where readers make quick or lazy assumptions using only fragments of written information, I’m suggesting that such an opener be more precise.

    Nevertheless, thank you for your efforts with Inside Lowell.

  5. GMP says:

    Maybe it’s time for a “conversation” with all the “stakeholders”.

  6. Teddy Panos says:

    Thank you James for calling attention to the ommission. It somehow got deleted from the original draft which included Councilor Robinson’s name in that first sentence. The mistake has been corrected. Apologies to all who may have mistakenly inferred that Councilors Descoteaux and Scott were involved in verbal skirmishes between themselves.

  7. Teddy Panos says:

    Memo to folks attempting to post on this story, as well as the rest of our website content. We will not publish any comments if your identity is not known through some prior contact with us or through a confirmed email address. If you would like your identity known, please reach out to us to have it confirmed and then we are happy to publish comments. Once you have been confirmed, you won’t have to go through the approval process in the future and comments sent from the same IP address will automatically be published without moderation. Thank you

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