Massachusetts Senate Bill 2762, “An act relative to vacancies on the city of Lowell city council and school committee,” received a hearing with the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Election Laws Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.
The bill, sponsored by 1st Middlesex District Senator Ed Kennedy (D-Lowell), seeks to change the way Lowell fills vacancies on the city council and school committee. On April 9th, the city council approved a proposal that calls for either a special election to replace councilors unable to complete their term of office, or for a replacement to be appointed, depending on the timing.
The request requires legislative approval in both the State Senate and House, plus the Governor’s signature, in order to become part of the city charter.
Representatives Rodney Elliott and Vanna Howard both testified via written letter in support of the motion. Representative Rady Mom joined his colleagues in cosponsoring the legislation and stands in full support of the effort as well.
Below are the letters penned by Representatives Elliott and Howard: