Inside Stories

Elliott Helps Secure Investments in Lowell & No. Chelmsford

The Massachusetts House of Representatives passed the Economic Development Bond Bill aimed at stimulating economic growth and fostering development across the state.

The Bond Bill includes funding for remote workforce development, enhances clean energy initiatives throughout Massachusetts, provides $700 million in tax credits, grants for small business expansion, workforce training programs, and incentives for innovation and research to promote economic growth.

Representative, Rodney Elliott (D-Lowell), expressed his enthusiasm about the impact of the Bill, stating, “This legislation represents an important step towards a prosperous future for Massachusetts. By investing in our infrastructure, workforce, and innovation sectors, we are setting the stage for sustained economic growth and competitiveness in the years to come.”

Representative Elliott was able to secure $1.6 million dollars of funding for projects in his District said, “These dollars will catalyze growth and revitalization efforts to create new opportunities for businesses and resident for both Lowell and Chelmsford for long-term success.”

His efforts included acquiring: $500,000 for the Pawtucket Farm Wildlife Sanctuary (Rollies Farm) for urban agriculture, community gardens; $500,000 for ADA compliance elevator construction for the redevelopment of multi-story properties within business districts in the City; $250,000 for Centralville Storefront Improvements in the city of Lowell; $250,000 for the Lowell Youth Leadership Program; $50,000 for Vinal Square Improvements in the Town of Chelmsford, and $50,000 for a Feasibility Study/Schematic Design for a boathouse /restaurant development project on the Merrimack River in conjunction with the Merrimack Valley Rowing Association.

Representative Elliott was also a lead cosponsor for the $2 million dollar earmark for Lowell Boys and Girls Club Project, as well cosponsor for the $1 million dollar earmark for the Lowell Community Health Center project.

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