by Lorna Garey
On September 25, Alternative House will host its 27th Annual Golf Classic at Mount Pleasant Golf Club. An 8:30 a.m. shotgun start will get golfers back to Mount Pleasant in time for a Lenzi’s luncheon, reception, and raffle. While foursomes are sold out, there are a variety of ways Lowellelians can support Alternative House’s mission, from attending the luncheon to a $10,000 Hole-in-One sponsorship to providing items for golfer bags.
“Raffle or golfer bag items can be sent to Alternative House at PO Box 2100, Lowell, MA, 01851. To arrange a direct drop-off at the Alternative House offices, email If you’re next door in Tewksbury, the Carnation will pick up and deliver donations. Hit them up here.

Photo caption: Golf Committee members (l-r) Gail Merrill, Janis Maliszewskiw, Maria Crooker-Capone and Steve Murthey thank The Owl Diner for hosting planning meetings
If you’re next door in Tewksbury, the Carnation will pick up and deliver donations. Hit them up here.
Alternative House provides emergency shelter, support, youth programming, legal assistance, transitional and permanent housing, and community advocacy to people affected by domestic violence. Since 1978, AH has been committed to empowering all victims toward self-sufficiency via daily access to case management; safety planning; and support around goal-setting, financial empowerment, and job/educational placement.
So far in 2023, Alternative House has:
> Served almost 800 clients
> Placed 65 individuals in housing programs
> Answered 342 hotline calls and
> Provided more than 1,100 hours of advocacy.
“In the Merrimack Valley this year, women have lost their lives to domestic violence,” said Alternative House Executive Director Maria Crooker-Capone. “The services that Alternative House provides to survivors are sometimes lifesaving, and in almost all cases they are life-changing. Domestic violence affects people across all genders, races and ages, and fundraisers like the Golf Classic are critical. By sponsoring, golfing, or attending our luncheon, you support a survivor and our community.”
Alternative House is one of three founding agencies of the Greater Lowell Evaluation and Advocacy Network (GLEAN), a high-risk assessment/rapid response team, as well as the founder of the Lowell City Manager’s Task Force Against Domestic Violence and a proud member of Jane Doe Inc.
How can you help?
> Become a sponsor of the tournament — there are new opportunities this year for building brand awareness, even if you choose not to attend. Learn more.
> Join us for the reception by purchasing a buffet ticket.
> Donate an item for auction or raffle.
> Make a fully tax-deductible donation to Alternative House.
“Your help is key — the Golf Classic is one of Alternative House’s largest and most important fundraisers,” said Crooker-Capone. “We can accomplish our work only with the continued generosity of individuals and companies in the communities we serve across Greater Lowell.”
Questions or want a custom sponsorship package? Reach out to AH Board president Steve Murthey at If you’re in Tewksbury and able to donate a raffle basket or gift card, contact Team Carnation at to arrange pickup.
Lorna Garey is a U.S. Army veteran and 25-year resident of Tewksbury who has written for organizations ranging from the DIA to InformationWeek to a free weekly in New London that sent her to interview the pastry chef at Foxwoods. Read more from Lorna and learn about the Town of Tewksbury by following the Tewksbury Carnation