Inside Stories

LPD Investigating Alleged Tesla Targeting

Snapshot from NBC-10 Boston TV news report.

A Lowell Police source tells InsideLowell there is an ongoing investigation regarding a reported shooting incident in the city.

The incident, alleged to have occurred on Jackson Street, was first reported on by NBC -10 Boston last night.

A man, who did not provide his identity and did not want to be shown on camera, spoke to the TV station and told them his car was shot at while driving on Jackson Street. He provided a photograph showing a bullet hole in a vehicle to the reporter and said his vehicle was hit twice.

The man added he believes it’s part of a recent spate of attacks against Tesla vehicles over company CEO Elon Musk’s involvement with President Donald Trump’s new administration.

Over recent weeks, Tesla dealerships, automobiles and charging stations have been vandalized and even set on fire. Tesla owners have also been doxed by having their identities published online, marking them as potential targets.

LPD will not confirm any information in the NBC-10 report other than “an investigation is ongoing.” The man told the TV station the incident occurred Sunday, five days before the story first aired.

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