Lowell School Committee (Photo courtesy Jen Myers, Lowell Public Schools)
Sources close to the negotiating tell InsideLowell an agreement is in place on a three year contract between the Lowell School Department and the United Teachers of Lowell.
The agreement covers teachers, paraprofessionals, custodians and food service workers. It now heads to the UTL for approval by its members.
The contract calls for an 11% salary increase over the next three years, retroactive to July of 2024. The breakdown is a 3% raise, followed by a mid school year bump of 1% in years one and two. 2026 would see a 3% increase with no mid-year adjustment.
In an interesting side note, InsideLowell has also learned that during Monday night’s SC meeting, a “hot mic” was accidentally left on and about two minutes of Executive Session audio were broadcast.
Exactly what was said during that time period isn’t known to us at this time, and we’re told that the audio in question has been deleted.
2 responses to “On Eve of School Opening, Labor Deal Struck”
Sucks to be a Para, food service worker or custodian. They really need their own union. 5% of 100k is a lot nicer than 5% of whatever the para’s are making.
This is insane. The paras, food service workers and custodians do need increases. The superintendent’s minions are being paid a boat load of money to further the exploitation of our children. Our teachers are some of the highest paid in the state. What about the children! How do some of our teachers make over 100,000 a year with holidays and vacations. Our school attorneys only make a little bit more. Lowell’s quality of education is plummeting while we continue to have battles with the teacher’s union. We need a parent and family union. This is why Charter Schools will continue. Keep sucking on our budget from our special education children, immigrant children and keep increasing the pay of our teachers while causing our children to deprived of a quality education. Or you can pay for one of the many private schools in the area while waiting to get in to a charter school or win the lottery in school of choice and send your child out of the city. Don’t get me started…. https://www.lowellma.gov/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Item/26261?fileID=53054