“We had a fantastic turnout at the concert and I know it was because of InsideLowell.”
I’ve been following Teddy’s initiative with great interest. Looks like it’s going to be lots of fun and informative for the audience. I am grateful for the work he did promoting UMass Lowell during my tenure, and he was a terrific radio host for the Rowdy’s. Best of luck to all involved. I’ll be following their progress and what I know will be a great success.
Lowell’s renaissance has been well-documented as having several key parts: Federal, state and local governments working in unison; a strong public education sector, including Middlesex Community College and UMass-Lowell; a thriving business community; and a strong non-profit sector. Another key element is the media. Over the years journalists at The Sun and WCAP have worked hard to provide the role of watchdog while also entertaining readers and listeners with features, public service announcements and community news coverage. For a multitude of reasons, however, local news coverage has shrunk. That’s why the Panos effort is so key: Another eye on City Hall, town halls, the business community and various non-profits will keep all leaders, whether elected or appointed, on their toes. That’s a good thing. Not that it needed any legitimacy, but Inside Lowell serves up an even stronger hand with Dan Phelps and Patrick Cook, both former Sun journalists, on board. Good luck to the new venture!
I am very pleased and excited that Ted has begun the “Inside Lowell” blog. His knowledge of Lowell politics and issues is unparalleled. He loves the city deeply, and whether you agree with him or not, you can’t argue his passion for the city. He’s also a very strong advocate of local law enforcement. Upon my ascension to the position of Superintendent of the Lowell Police Department, we immediately began a partnership where each and every week, myself or another Command Staff officer, would appear at the WCAP radio station studio, or call in by phone, and engage the citizens of Lowell in frank conversations about issues affecting the city’s neighborhoods. This collaboration enhanced the community policing efforts of the Lowell Police Department and created the opportunity for the citizens of Lowell to speak directly with their police chief. I will always be grateful for Ted’s work on behalf of the Lowell Police Department.
100 Merrimack St, Suite 410, Lowell MA 01852
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