Inside Stories

Last Minute Budget Cuts Reduce Trash Fee Increase

InsideLowell has learned that just hours before the Lowell City Council was set to debate and vote on the Fiscal Year 2025 budget, City Manager Tom Golden sent councilors an email with revisions that reduce the proposed $200-$300 increase in trash fees by cutting $1.7-million across all departments.

At first glance, most of the cuts appear minor in nature, ranging from trimming Office Supplies and Professional Services, to slashing over $200,000 in school energy costs.

DPW will see the biggest departmental cut at over $700,000, with the Manager’s Office also seeing a reduction of about $275,000.

How much the proposed $325-$425 trash fee would be reduced is not clear at press time.

Efforts to reach the Manager for comment have thus far been unsuccessful, but the email sent to councilors indicates specific details will be explained during tonight’s public hearing, which is scheduled to begin at 6:00pm.

Councilors we reached out to wouldn’t offer any comment, nor would they confirm or deny details in our report.

One response to “Last Minute Budget Cuts Reduce Trash Fee Increase”

  1. Pierre V Comtois says:

    If they want to cut why don’t they start with wages?
    And does the guy who runs the little vacuum cleaner truck on Sunday mornings downtown get time and a half? Why is he working on Sunday?

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