A pair of Lowell women, Anna Jabar-Omeyeni and Beatriz Sierra, were among the 125 women honored last Friday as part of the Commonwealth Heroines Celebration.
The annual event is an opportunity to recognize women who don’t always make the news, but make a difference. Each year the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women partners with state legislators to identify women who make outstanding contributions to their organizations and in their communities. Elected officials are encouraged to submit one woman from their constituency as a means of recognizing their invaluable efforts and extraordinary acts of service.
16th Middlesex Representative Rodney Elliott nominated Sierra, while 17th Middlesex Representative Vanna Howard nominated Jabar-Omoyeni.
Sierra was born and raised in Medellin, Colombia and still raises money for schools in impoverished, rural communities back in her homeland. Here in the Mill City, she has assisted many in finding jobs in her role as counselor for the Lowell Career Center. She also singlehandedly organizes the annual Colombian Independence Day celebration that brings together members of Lowell’s Colombian community.
Jabar-Omeyeni first rose to local fame through her business, the La Boniche restaurant, which was widely regarded as one of Lowell’s finest dining establishment during its 26-years in operation. Since 2017, she has been the Culinary Program Manager for YouthBuild, creating a job training program that helps students develop the skills required to work in dining establishments while also acquiring industry recognized certifications.
The celebration was held June 14th at the Massachusetts State House.