On Veteran’s Day, we remember the service of all who defended our freedom as members of the American military. It’s good for us, especially those of us who never had to serve and sacrifice, to remember. But it’s better for us to appreciate.
Appreciation puts a value in our remembrance and our veterans have certainly earned it and deserve it.
General Norman Schwarzkopf was known to say, “It doesn’t take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle.”
American troops have fought for freedom all over this world and have endured every type of warfare, deprivation, hardship, disease, and condition.
They stood… where no one else would stand.
They stood…when no one else would stand.
And, they stood…for what no one else would stand for…our freedom and the freedom of people all over this world.
You, the American veterans and our active service members, stand out as the greatest Freedom Fighters that the world has ever known.
In tribute to our veterans’ service and sacrifice, let me share with you the words of a poem that I wrote years ago that was transformed into a song, “Stood Their Ground,” by the exceptionally talented Jillian Martin from Chelmsford and Ryan Brooks Kelly of Londonderry (Martin and Kelly).
Here’s the link to listen to “Stood Their Ground” on this Veterans Day as a remembrance, appreciation and honor to our veterans; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BUeLrRzMv0
They’re American soldiers, sailors and marines,
United States Air Force and everything in between.
We can always count on them. They never let this country down.
They’ve seen it all and they’ve always stood their ground.
In the midst of the battle with the enemy on both sides,
The call comes in to hold that hill until the last one dies.
One thing is for certain, they won’t let their buddies down.
They’ve seen it all and they’ve always stood their ground.
Stood their ground…in places far away.
They stood their ground…when nobody else would stay.
They stood their ground…even when they were out of rounds.
They’ve seen it all and they’ve always stood their ground.
At Lexington and Gettysburg and a half a world away,
We must always honor …what they lost and gave.
From city streets and mountain roads and quiet country towns,
They’ve seen it all and they’ve always stood their ground.
We now live a life… of prosperity and dreams.
We can hold our children close to us and know that we are free.
In many places around this world, freedom can’t make a sound.
But in America, it’s Loud and Clear, ‘cause they always stood their ground.
Stood their ground…in places far away.
They stood their ground…when nobody else would stay.
They stood their ground…even when they were out of rounds.
They’ve seen it all and they’ve always stood their ground.
We are Free ’cause they always stood their ground.
13 responses to “Stood Their Ground”
Terrific Steve!

Stephen well said. As a veteran and the son of a World War II decorated veteran, I want to thank you for the recognition you give to those who serve and have served. You are a class act and you definitely walk the walk as they say. As a masters level, social worker and licensed addiction therapist, I always recommend the armed services to both young men and young women to help them prepare for a better life and lifestyle going forward in their lives. I hope society remembers the young men who never made it home from Foreign lands. Those who sacrificed their young lives. And always remember the families the loved ones who had to continue their lives with sorrow and heartbreak.
Great write up!
What a tribute and deserved recognition to our Veterans. Thank you Steve!
Very touching Steve. May God Bless our Veterans .
Well done Steve- the lyrics and the music.
This should be sung right after the National Anthem.
Well said Steve
This poem should be read in all the schools to commemorate and honor Veterans day. Well done Steve.
Steve, the poem is beautiful and well written. It’s puts into perspective what an American Veteran is truly All About. Love And Peace to All our Veterans.
This was amazing.
Steve as usual , your words are so inspiring!
I would like to post this on Instagram.
Steven very well said I always expect the most from you. You yourself set the bar high and you never disappoint.
All my best Stephanie(Barlow)Callery & Family
Great read.We must NEVER forget our Veterans who served our country and should not take our Freedom for granted,as it was them who provided it.God Bless our Veterans and May God Bless America !! Keep up your Great Work. JT