Artists rendering of clock tower and brick patio
Phase 1 of the Vinal Square revitalization effort, the installation of a clock tower and brick patio, is more than a third of the way toward its fundraising goal as the project enters the home stretch.
This three phase revitalization project will beautify North Chelmsford’s Vinal Square, with the new clock tower and brick patio as the first phase. Phase 2 adds a new traffic flow, and Phase 3 will offer additional public transportation.
Through December, $12,000 has been raised toward the cost of the tower and installation. The total cost is $35,000. The goal is to purchase the clock this winter, with installation planned for the spring.
The tower will be a 12 foot high, 4-faced, Howard Replica/Seth Thomas II clock with Vinal Square and North Chelmsford engraved on its face. It features chimes that can be played during events like the Memorial Day Parade and Holiday Tree Lighting.
The clock will be placed in the current municipal parking lot, and when Phase 3 of Vinal Square Traffic Flow project is completed, it will be relocated to a new center island for even better visibility.
To learn more and contribute to the effort, visit www.vinalsquareclock.org or email Bill Gilet, Jr. at billgilet@gmail.com.