Inside Stories

Case Against Corey Robinson Dismissed

The criminal case against Lowell City Councilor Corey Robinson ended suddenly this morning, not with a bang, but with a whimper.

The two-term District 2 (Centralville) City Councilor was charged with Domestic Assault last November. A source in the courtroom tells InsideLowell at around 9:30am this morning, with a key prosecution witness not having shown up to testify in the bench trial, Judge John Coffey dismissed the case.

The year plus process saw numerous court hearings spanning the end of 2023 and throughout 2024. Last December, the alleged victim in the case had released a statement to InsideLowell claiming Robinson was innocent of the allegations against him.

She also refused to testify in the case, though District Attorney Marian Ryan’s office decided to pursue the case based on witness testimony and the “Excited Utterance” filing based on statements from the alleged victim included in the initial police report.

Following the ruling, Robinson released the following statement on social media:

“The past 13 months have been extremely challenging for my loved ones and I. The unwavering support from so many meant the world to us.

Thank you to all of my neighbors that continued to support me through these difficult times. Thank you for your trust and belief in allowing me to continue to perform the work I vowed to.

Thank you to Attorney Ryan Sullivan. What an amazingly talented professional that goes above and beyond for his client.

Last but not least, Thank you to two of my colleagues that took a stand in the face of adversity and demonstrated true leadership by allowing the legal process to sort through these allegations. By refusing to jump to an emotionally charged conclusion, they supported the notion of innocent until proven guilty.

My family and I will always remember your willingness to do the right thing regardless of any political pressure. We are forever grateful for your service. Councilors Gitschier and Mercier, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

There is much work to do and I am looking forward to continuing what we have started with this unfortunate situation behind us.”

4 responses to “Case Against Corey Robinson Dismissed”

  1. HaddaNuff says:

    Eight city councilors could not be reached for comment.

  2. GMP says:

    Poor Melanie Gilbert. She is now going to have to cut and paste “want of prosecution is not a not guilty finding” in all of her articles.

  3. Brianna Campbell says:

    May God Bless America and May Almighty God with his angels protect The Children of the world.

    Matthew 13:16-34

    “But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear. For truly, I say to you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.”

  4. Joanne Tarmey says:

    And his accuser quotes the Bible. She needs to be locked up for life.

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